
Friday, February 20, 2009

How long should my swimming pool be running

Saving money seems to be one of the largest topics lately and reducing energy consumption is an easy way to save money. Have you noticed how your electric bill jumps way up during the summer? It's not only because you are running your air conditioner more. You might not realize this but a typical swimming pool pump can run $200-$300 per month and sometimes more during the summer.

So how can you cut back on that bill? The answer is simple. Only run your swimming pool pump as long as it needs to run.

How long do I run the pump you ask. Because the answer to that question is going to be different for every pool due to the vast number of variables such as exposure to sunlight, the temperature, usage, amount of debris getting in the pool, etc. I will try to make the answer more general. Regulations, at least in Texas, require that a Swimming pool turns over (the entire volume of water goes through the filter) every 8 hrs. Commercial is a bit more strict requiring a 6 hr turnover. That said your pool builder should have put in a system that could do this.
So what does this mean to you? During the summer or while your pool is in use a good bench mark is 8 hrs.
Much more to come on this as we have just tipped the iceberg and have not even gotten to the meat.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

DE Filter Tip #3

You are back washing when and how you are supposed to, that's it right?
Not exactly... Your filter should be completely taken apart and rinsed out every six months. This does not mean just pop the top and spray water over the grids like some service companies do. Giving your swimming pool filter a full wash out is extremely beneficial and will extend the life of your swimming pool filter. This takes pulling the grid assembly out of the filter, disassembling it and rinsing the grids one by one.
Be careful not to use too high of pressure. Use of a pressure washer or taking the grids to a car wash, while they appear cleaner, is actually harmful to the grid and in most cases will tear a hole ensuring a need of replacement.
While you have your swimming pool filter apart and grids cleaned off thoroughly check each grid for holes in the fabric or broken veins. Nothing is worst than going through all this labor, putting the swimming pool filter back together then seeing DE jet into the pool.
Is this your first time to clean your swimming pool filter out? I strongly recommend having a service company come out so you can see how it is done. Not that you would not be capable, on the contrary, there are just many time saving tips to be seen. My company here in Dallas Swim Clear Pool Service is ready to support the North Texas needs.

Friday, February 13, 2009

DE Filter Tip #2

Question. How often should I backwash my DE filter?

Answer. Once per month or if your filter pressure raises 5 to 10 PSI from its clean starting pressure.

Clean starting preasure is the pressure when your filter is brand new or completely cleaned out.

Monday, February 9, 2009

DE Filter tip #1

One of the most common things I come across when doing a DE filter clean is a build up of DE powder clogging up the filter causing potential damage to your filter. This is caused by 1. Adding too much DE (Always refer to owners manual or label on filter for recommended amounts) 2. Improper backwashing. Simple solution...after you go through your backwash cycle, repeat two more times before recharging your filter with DE. Note, the length of time your filter is in backwash mode being 1 minute or 10 minutes has little effect on how much DE you are purging out of your filter. Once the sight glass is clear on your backwash line, that portion of the back was is complete. Repeating the bw process will clear more of the DE powder reducing the risk of a clog.