One of the most popular pool systems out right now is the salt system or chlorine generators. Many questions are raised as to the system and how it is used:
What is a salt system?
Salt systems are generators that electronically make pure chlorine from salt added to the pool water. As the salt passes through a electronic cell, the electrode plates within that cell converts the salt into chlorine. (The salt cell is plumbed into the return pvc line after the filter, or heater if you have one.) Once the chlorine is used up, it is converted to chloride and recycled through the cell again to be converted back into salt as a continuous process during a pool's run cycle. This eliminates the use of buying and storing chlorine compounds (buckets), and even eliminates the handling of chlorine chemicals.
Who can use salt systems?
Any pool can use a salt system if they choose. Salt systems can be used on in-ground pools, above-ground pool, gunite pools, fiberglass pools, and even intex pools.
Is salt system pools like being at the ocean?
No, in fact salt systems require between 2,500 to 6,000 parts per million of salt depending on the salt system you have and the size of the salt system you have. Ocean water has a solidity of over 35,000 parts per million. A tear has over 7,000 part per million of salt content. So, in contrast, the pool has a significantly low amount of salt content in it.
Do I need my pump and filter when I get a salt system?
Yes. The salt system does not replace your existing pump and filter. The system's only job is to convert the salt into chlorine. It will need the pool pump to move the water through the cell and it will need the pool filter to clean the dirty pool water before entering the salt water through the cell. The salt system is an added unit to your existing pump and filter.
Do I add salt every week or every month?
One and initial amount of salt is added to a pool to reach that 2,500 to 6,000 parts per million range, only small amounts of salt is needed a few times a year. The salt will not leave the pool unless water is physically removed from the pool due to pool overflow, backwashing, leaks, or splash-out. The salt system will usually have an LED display on it to show the parts per million of salt the pool currently has. Also there are salt system test strips you can purchase to test the amount of salt in the pool manually.
Do salt systems eliminate the need to test my water?
No. The pool owner will still need to maintain good pool water balance in order to allow the pump to work well, the filter to clean pool water well, and the salt system to generate salt well. Testing at least once a week is good, but twice a week is better whether you have a salt system or not. Test strips or liquid water testing kits will both work well to help keep the water chemistry balanced.
I hope that these few Q&A's help a little with regards to salt system knowledge. If you have any other questions regarding salt systems or any pool question, please let us hear them and we will gladly service you with a correct answer. info@swimcleartx.com