
Monday, August 23, 2010

Steps to Determining The Location of a Swimming Pool Leak

If you determine that your pool is losing water, first identify if your circulation system is the cause or is the water loss through a crack in the pool. This can be done by runing the pump for 24 hours, then leaving the pump off for 24 hours and noting how far the water dropped during each scenario. Waterfalls and fountain play a large role in water loss so leave them off during this process. If water loss is the same in both scenarios you have determined a leak in the pool structure. If water loss is significantly greater or less when pump is running, there is a good chance the leak is in the plumbing or pool equipment.

Step two.

  • If in the above scenario you determine the pool itself is leaking, simply shut off the pool and allow the water to drop. Once the water level stops dropping, look for cracks or gaps in plaster.

  • If water stops at the light, the lines behindthe fixture could be cracked.
    If the water drops below the light, then there may be a leak in the drain at the bottom the pool.

Step Three.

  • If you suspect you have a leak in the filtration system these clues may help you pinpoint the location:

  • If you see bubbles in the return water when the pool's pump is running, it's likely there's a leak in the suction side of the filtration system.

  • If the pool is losing more water while running the pump, then water is being lost on the return side of the system.

If you have moved into step three and the leak is on the suction side of the system, have your swimming pool proffetional come out to identify the problem. Remember if you are local to Dallas you can contact Swim Clear Pool Service.

If you have moved into step three and the leak is on the return side but you do not see any evidence of leaks around your equipment, we at SCPS recommend contacting American Leak Detection

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